Content Matches
Dr. Christopher's Original Formulas A Adrenal Formula Adrenetone powder (Adrenal) Anti-Spasmodic Formula Appetite Formula AR-1 powder (Joint) B Barberry LG cut (Liver-Gallbladder)...

Products 25-27 of 27
Blue Cohosh Root Cut, 16 oz  Blue Cohosh Root cut
Price: $45.95
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 109-048 -

    Blue Cohosh contains the following vital mineral elements: potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, salts of potash, calcium, iron and silicon. Stimulant (diffusive, relaxant), nervine (sedative), antispasmodic, parturient, emmenagogue, tonic, diaphoretic (sudorific), diuretic, anthelmintic, demulcent, anti rheumatic. The round, simple, erect, 3 foot stem grows from a knotty rootstock and halfway up it bears a large sessile, tri-pinnate leaf, The leaflets are oval, petioled and irregularly...

    Kelp Powder, 16 oz Kelp powder
    Price: $16.95
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: 109-201 -

      Kelp Powder contains the complete spectrum of minerals needed by man, as they are contained in the ocean itself. Aside from the fact that sea water as such is a veritable treasure trove of minerals, land minerals are constantly washing into the sea, enriching it still further. Most plants are tested for mineral content by burning the plant and analyzing the ash. Applying commercial fertilizer to the soil does not improve the situation, for this does not and cannot contain the trace minerals....

      Kelp Granulated, 16 oz Kelp granulated
      Price: $13.95
      Availability: Out of Stock
      Item #: 109-202 -

        Kelp granulated contains the complete spectrum of minerals needed by man, as they are contained in the ocean itself. Aside from the fact that sea water as such is a veritable treasure trove of minerals, land minerals are constantly washing into the sea, enriching it still further. Most plants are tested for mineral content by burning the plant and analyzing the ash. Applying commercial fertilizer to the soil does not improve the situation, for this does not and cannot contain the trace...